My venture into writing began in 2008. The decision to write was inspired by close friends; one, a screenwriter and the other, a published novelist. Realizing that I spent most of the day dreaming up stories, I decided to capture them in written form. Thus began my quest to become a novelist. The genres that I enjoy writing are: fantasy, paranormal, horror and sci-fi. Flash fiction and short stories are my first passion but I’m pursuing novel writing as well. Currently, I’m working on a Young Adult fantasy novel with steampunk elements.
Outlining is a bit of a challenge for me so most of my writing develops from fantasizing and dreams. Every now and then people-watching and overheard comments generate imaginative scenes that incite me to write with single-mindedness until the flash fiction is finished.
Outlining is a bit of a challenge for me so most of my writing develops from fantasizing and dreams. Every now and then people-watching and overheard comments generate imaginative scenes that incite me to write with single-mindedness until the flash fiction is finished.
I try to find time to write whenever I can, while jumping the hurdles of the infamous writer's block every now and then. These moments are also squeezed in between being a mother of two, working a full-time job, caring for two cats, making costume jewelry and the occasional sewing project. Of course, there are times in which I'm deeply immersed in the novels that I'm, at that moment, obsessed with. At which point, I have to have a serious conversation with my Muse about scheduling.
And every once in a Blue Moon, I go to the Archery Range in Hicksville, NY and aimlessly shoot arrows directed at the target that sometimes actually hit it.