Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 New Year's Resolution

I don’t really like to make New Year’s resolutions because in the past I wasn’t able to reach the goals I had set for myself.  In the end I was left with a residual bad taste in my mouth as a result of feeling guilty for much of the year.  Eventually I gave up the practice but I decided to try again for 2012.
For the New Year I will do my best to:
·         Simplify my life by:
§  Working to eliminate clutter
§  Eliminating excess whenever possible – if I don’t need it, I don’t need to get it
§  Organizing living spaces better for functionality and comfort
·         Writing more
§  Focusing on my Work In Progress projects and completing them
·         Meditating when I can
·         Eating more raw fruits and vegetables
·         Living  holistically by being more in tune with Nature
My list seems a bit extensive and I did try to keep it short by just having one resolution, but it didn’t work out that way.  I will incorporate each item slowly pacing myself as I go, that way I don’t unduly pressure myself to accomplish everything at the same time.  Although these are my New Year’s resolutions, my intention is to integrate them into my life so that they become my way of living. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic! Santa doesn't know you're not an elf, you're a pixy!
